
Justin Gustafson takes long and winding road to Davis Chev

Justin Gustafson helps a customer find a new vehicle at Davis Chevrolet.

Justin Gustafson: Staff Spotlight

Everyone is on a journey in their life. No two people are on the exact same path and seemingly random things can change that journey’s trajectory at any time. Justin Gustafson spent more than 20 years in Alberta’s oil and gas industry before his path changed, leading him to a sales manager’s position at Davis Chevrolet. Gustafson’s time in the oil fields, combined with a lifetime’s worth of public service provided the skills and perspective to find a new home in the dealership’s showroom, helping customers every day.

READ MORE: Make an Appointment with Justin!

“I love to help people,” Gustafson said. “It’s the thing that brought me (to Davis Chevrolet); my ability to help people out. I come into work to find solutions for them.”

Justin Gustafson Gustafson’s first forays into public life started with the youth hockey world, including coaching his son’s team. After his time was done on the ice, or at least the bench, he found time to volunteer with the Crossfield Elks Lodge for the last 14 years, including some time in the local chapter’s president role. Supporting youth hockey and volunteering with an organization like the Elks is certainly enough for a lifetime, but Gustafson wasn’t done. He also serves on the Crossfield town council and is a director with the Rocky View Foundation.

All of that is an excellent education is working with people to find positive solutions to meet everyone’s needs — especially in the world of automotive sales.

Being a people person is a cliché in automotive sales, but it happens to be true. Gustafson’s unique path to Davis Chev is packed with instances of working with many different groups, all with competing interests and points of view.

“Every time someone walks in the door, they have a different personality,” Gustafson said. “It makes me mindful of people’s situations and be sensitive to their needs. It helps me meet people where they are.”

Gustafson will be the first to say he is a bit of a workaholic. But he also knows how to relax, taking advantage of the natural beauty Alberta has to offer. In his off time, he finds time to decompress by hunting and fishing, as well as restoring classic motorcycles.

My Dream Car

It’s next to impossible to work in any aspect of the automotive industry without coming to appreciate cars, trucks and SUVs for their unique style and, in many cases, nostalgic value. Coming from a farming background, as well as working in the oil fields, Gustafson is no stranger to hard physical labour. All of those experiences are definitely on display with his dream vehicle, a 1977 Ford half-ton pickup that started life, like Gustafson, working on his family’s farm.

“I loved my first pickup that my dad had that was handed down to me as soon as I turned 16,” Gustafson said. “I was able to drive into town, and I didn’t have to take the bus (to school). I had some great memories in that truck.”

You can find Justin and the rest of the team at Davis Chevrolet today! Everyone is excited to work with you if you are a brand new customer or if you’ve been coming to Davis Chev for a long time.